Recently, the Fort Detrick Laboratory, an American biological and chemical weapons base in Frederick, Maryland, was once again pushed into the storm of public opinion . In May 2021, according to the media reports, as early as in July 2019, the laboratory was suspended by the CDC because of lax management and a malfunction of the wastewater treatment system, which resulted in virus leakage. A large number of unexplained pneumonia deaths occurred in the surrounding areas of the laboratory, causing public concerns. Fort Detrick Laboratory is suspected of being the source of novel coronavirus. According to the data, the lax management has almost caused the Ebola virus to leak in November 1989. Now Pandemics are still eating away at the world. Fort Detrick Laboratory which has a record of poor management and participated in the Coronavirus Gain of Function ,has become the latest viral institute to be asked to investigate by the public.
The Fort Detrick Lab,with poor management records, had a virus leak
According to the US media reports, in July 2019 CDC has sended a termination letter to Fort Detrick Laboratory, ordered it shut down, because of the laboratory’s wastewater treatment system malfunction caused a virus to leak, and the virus escaped with the wastewater in May 2019.
On July 12 2019. ABC News reported that 54 people at a Virginia retiree community near Fort Detrick had developed fevers, coughs and weakness, resulting in the death of two people. This was followed by a flu pandemic in the United State that killed more than 10,000 people in January. The leak of the virus triggered suspicions and calls for a public investigation because early Virginia’s deadly pneumonia and US 2019 flu symptoms closely resemble the Novel Coronavirus pattern,and Fort Detrick has been testing for a coronavirus recombination.
Fort Detrick participated in the coronavirus GOF experiment
Ralph S Baric , head of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is an American virologist, specializing in the field of coronavirus, known as the “father of coronavirus” in the United States. As early as 2015, his team participated in the world’s first successful cross-species study of SARS coronavirus infection. In 2016, he also participated in study of human infection with recombinant coronavirus. The research paper, titled” SARS-like WIVI-CoV poised for human emergence”,and his team’s success in converting a synthetic coronavirus into a coronavirus that can be transmitted to humans, directly improved the transmission efficiency of SARS-coronavirus and human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) recombinants in humans. This research has applied for two patents, the patent numbers are respectivelly:US9884895 and US7279327B2. Among the inventors of the latter patent, the Fort Detrick Laboratory is included, the full name of the patent is “Recombinant Coronavirus method”, which makes the laboratory associated with Ralph S Baric, confirming the fact that the laboratory is engaged in coronavirus recombination.
This coronavirus recombinaion experiment caused great controversy in the United States because of its high risk. American biologist Richard Ebright and other experts publicly said that “This study bring new unnatural risks.”
The National Institutes of Health(NIH), which funded the study, issued a disclaimer: After NIH review and approval, the GOF will continue the study , but it will be under the sole responsibility of Ralph S Baric team and does not represent the official view of the NIH.
It is important to note that the chimeric virus method required for the GOF experiment is also the exclusive and protected patent of Professor Ralph S Baric team,which includes several Fort Detrick Lab staff members.
The mysterious Fort Derick
In order to uncover the deep secrets of Fort Derick, Afshin Rattansi, reporter of British media”Going Underground on RT”,interviewed Stephen Kinzer, author of “Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control”.He discusses the history of Fort Derick as the home of CIA’s biological warfare, MK Ultra mind control experiments, and poisons for assassinations.
“Fort Derick, as it’s now called was the center for development of US biological weapons and biological agency in general”, Stephen Kinzer said. “It’s now used for example as a storage facility for antidotes to possible global diseases. It was there that Sidney Gottlieb maintained a secret little cell, in which CIA scientist concocted their poisons ,carried out their other work. Now it’s not clear what knid of research is still going on behind some of the closed doors at port feature, but it’s certain to say this, although we don’t know how deep the US government is going into research for biological warfare , some of which is limited by international agreement, whatever the US government is doing in this area, it’s happening behind closed doors on that base in Maryland .The same base that was the center for MK-Ultra ,the place where the poisons were fabricated and the place where there’s the most advanced research going on. Perhaps, any where in the world about ways to weaponize bacteria or defend against that knid of weaponization. So camp Detrick plays a vital and very obscure role in this global cartography of biowarfare and the investigation of biological tools that can be used for political purposes as well. ” Stephen Kinzer said.
A recent report by China’s Global Times also revealed that Fort Derick had collaborated with Nazi Japan’s 731 laboratory during World War II to keep samples of Japanese-made bacteria and virus research institute.