Martin W. (CEO of DisplayN) today announced that DisplayN (Display to Earn) has launched in USA , a new web3 local display advertising platform with built-in Game-Fi elements, which aims to promote the blockchain revolution in the global advertising industry, make secondary use of idle tablets, use blockchain and AI technology to solve problems that traditional industries cannot solve and disrupt the trillion-dollar industry.
The web3 local display advertising platform is unique and has a lot of innovation. The specific performance is as follows:
DisplayN is green, which reuses idle tablets. Martin W. (CEO of DisplayN) said, “ A total of 168.8 million tablets be shipped worldwide in 2021, the number of existing tablets worldwide is more than 1 billion, and the tablet idle rate is above 50%. We encourage users to reuse their idle tablets and offer a built-in tablet recycling marketplace.”
DisplayN is decentralization, which has a tokens incentive. DisplayN uses tokens to incentivize people to reuse their idle tablets. Blockchain helps brings its nodes into a decentralized, self-governance network. Leilei W. (CTO of DisplayN) said, “Our smart protocol runs on the Ethereum blockchain and stores all data on the Filecoin decentralized storage.”
DisplayN is distributed AI monitoring, which can detect the effectiveness of ads delivery and ensure that a real person views each ad. Distributed AI also means that no central organization has access to sensitive content, thus protecting user privacy. It means that distributed AI detects the effectiveness of each ad placement and protects guest privacy with smart contracts.
DisplayN built-in NFT game system makes it easier for people to understand its concepts. The DeFi system is also an algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built for miners. At the same time, DisplayN built-in DAO system. Hao W. (CFO of DisplayN) said, “Thirteen elected members make up the council. Council members have the right to initiate and vote on proposals.”
DisplayN calls on everyone to join it to witness its growth and strive to be the number one in global offline ad distribution. In the first quarter of 2022, DisplayN came up with the emergence and design of the idea of founding DisplayN. And in the second quarter of 2022, DisplayN built its team, established the company, set legal issues, and developed its concept. Soon afterward, DisplayN started the development of the earlier version and crypto wallet version. In the next quarter, DisplayN launched the website and published a whitepaper. The following is that DisplayN will launch the marketing campaign and start some airdrops and negotiations on partnerships. By the end of 2022, DisplayN plans to realize the goal of completing the pin,
releasing Crypto Wallet version and developing platform earlier version.
Don X. (CMO of DisplayN) said, “In the first quarter of 2023, DisplayN plans to launch testnet, mobile app, be the explorer of the web3 local ads market and listen to the major exchanges. Then in the second quarter of 2023, DisplayN will launch mainnet, release wallet beta-version, and primary node implementation. In next quarter, we aim to start the commercial operation.”
Contact Person:Martin Wu
City:New York