On Feb. 6th, 2024, a China-Russia online cultural exchange was conducted successfully. Jointly sponsored by Yangxin County Party Committee Publicity Department and Boxing County Party Committee Publicity Department, the event invited the children from “ECOTEH”, a public school in Russia. The cultural exchange was conducted to improve the friendship and understanding between Chinese and Russians by demonstrating and experiencing traditional pastries and intangible cultural heritages.
The large-scale night tour, call “The Return of Sun Wu - The Wonderful Night of Spring and Autumn”, kicked off at night. During the activity, a fleet of 500 drones gracefully took off, forming various shapes in the sky such as a dragon's head, archery and Sun Wu's portrait. This was accompanied by a gigantic dragon flying on the city wall–thanks to sound-light-electric technology–providing a magnificent visual feast.
In recent years, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have been fundamentally changing the way value is exchanged, much like how the internet initially transformed the exchange of information.
VOOPOO is excited to announce ARGUS PRO 2’s arrival in the UK market. ARGUS PRO 2 is the first ARGUS product with the PnP X platform and the second generation of ARGUS PRO. As robust and high-quality as its predecessor, it offers users a pleasantly powerful sense and long-lasting vaping experience.
Peking, Kiina - Kevätjuhlan askeleiden lähestyessä Pekingin kaupungin järjestämä "Onnellista kiinalaista uuttavuotta" -tapahtuma toteutettiin 18. perättäisenä vuotena, ilahduttaen paikallisia yleisöjä 5.-7. helmikuuta kolmessa kaupungissa: Helsingissä, Vantaalla ja Tampereella. Esitellen kiinalaisen perinteisen kulttuurin lumoavaa viehätystä, tapahtuma välitti siunauksia lohikäärmeen vuodelle Suomen lumisia maisemia vasten, tuoden lämpöä kylmään talveen.
The Chinese Spring Festival, a grand celebration steeped in millennia-old cultural traditions, is captivating the world with its distinctive charms. With the Spring Festival (Lunar New Year) now recognized as a United Nations holiday, exciting "Happy Chinese New Year" cultural festivities take place worldwide, enabling people from different countries to come together in celebration of the lunar new year and partake in the richness of Chinese culture.